911 Calls – How to use the system properly…..


911 Calls – How to use the system properly:

We often respond to 911 calls where a child has recently learned from school or another source how to summon a police officer or medical help by dialing 911. The children, not knowing any better, dials 911 to “test it out” or for a problem like mom not letting them play Nintendo or Sega. Often, the parents scream at the children after we arrive, telling them that we were going to take them to jail for making a ” false” 911 call.

Is this the image you want your child to remember? Dial 911 and go to jail?

If you plant the seed for your child to be afraid of police or 911, what happens when a real emergency arises? Medical emergencies can mean life or death with seconds to spare. A stranger breaking into your house? Do you want your child to hesitate dialing 911 in a situation like this? Because they fear “going to jail”?

Please explain to your children that police & firemen are there to help. Don’t threaten them with punishment or jail if they call. A hesitation could mean the difference between life and death. It is important to explain the seriousness of 911, it’s meaning and purpose, and its benefits if used properly.

And along the same lines, Please, if you see us in a store, don’t tell your child:
“He’s gonna take you away for being bad”
“Better straighten up, the cops here to take you away forever”
“Now your in trouble. The cops are here”

• The last thing we want to do is scare a child, to make them afraid to call us in an emergency. Explain the 911 system to your child, what happens when 911 is dialed, and the time that is wasted by making false calls. Don’t threaten your child with arrest or worse to make them afraid of 911 or us. Because seconds count. We understand mistakes, just don’t make us out as the bad guys that your child will fear forever. We are there to help, to save lives. That is what all of our children need to understand. If you need additional information on explaining the 911 system to your child, or have any questions about this topic, feel free to contact NetCops at our e-mail address for further information.

Remember, 911 is there to save lives, not create fear.

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