Tips: Curfew



· Know where your kids are at night. Don’t think or assume. KNOW!

· Know who they are with. If they are at a friends house, MEET the other parents! The biggest thing we hear in the middle of the night is "She’s supposed to spending the night with the Cleavers". Guess what, THE CLEAVERS ARE OUT OF TOWN!

· Meet the friends they are out with. You can tell a lot about whether or not your kid’s friends have the same morals and ethics you are trying to instill.

· Use a phone or a pager. Stay in contact with your kid. There’s nothing wrong with asking to speak to the other parents if you think something’s up. A clue is the sound of cars going by or the sounds from the local video arcade in the background.

· Make sure your kid knows the consequences of lying to you or for getting into trouble. Loss of privileges, restriction, loss of phone or car usage, loss of allowance, and the BIGGEST one of all, LOSS OF YOUR TRUST!

· Be supportive of the efforts of your local Police department. We don’t get any enjoyment from seeing your kid in trouble. We get enjoyment from seeing you do something about it and not seeing your kid out on the streets again.

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