A special note to our valued readers….


A special note to our valued readers,

One of our past stories of the week featured a story written in a poem, about the “Moonlight Ride”. It was given to me by a motor officer I worked with who thought it might send a strong message to young people, who follow our site. The poem was ended without a signature saying only “Author Unknown”.

A person contacted us wanting to know where we obtained the writing, because they stated they had written it and had sent it out to only a few friends at the time.

And now? It has traveled from a few friends to probably thousands around the world via this incredible tool we call the Internet. I’m not going to even “go there” in trying to figure out the validity of this person claiming to be the author of such a moving message. I’m going to trust that the polite manner, and the professionalism in which this request was made, truly came from the rightful author.

JC Hounsel. I don’t know where you live. I don’t know how old you are. I don’t know what prompted you to write this. But I will tell you this. At a time when thousands and thousands of high school and college seniors are graduating from school, I know the words you wrote will save many families from the tragedy and grief we see on the street all too often. All because of this thing we sell on the shelves legally called … Alcohol. All because of this innocent green leafy substance people want to legalize called … Dope.

NetCops P.S.I. sincerely thanks you for your work, and we hope you are inspired to continue writing a message to young people that so many young people need to know.

To the millions of young people around the world, please take a minute and read “Moonlight Ride”………and then print it out for your friends and family to read. Submitted by JC Hounsell.

And Graduates…. We’ll congratulate you on your accomplishment next week! Stay safe out there.

NetCops P.S.I.

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