Ask a Cop?: Marijuana, the elderly, stress and family


—–Original Message—–
From: Melissa
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:56 PM
Subject: Marijuana?

If a family member is growing marijuana in an elderly woman’s home and you turn him in what will happen to the woman? She knows about it but due to her relationship with the man she is pretending to act as though it’s not a big deal. I worry about her health and the effect the stress could have on her but I feel she is being taken advantage of. What does the law say in a case like this?

Thanks for the question – we answered this on the podcast this week…

It will be up shortly..

In a nutshell – this depends on so many factors it is hard to answer without some or a lot more information… sadly there are also reasons why people harbor this kind of activity – usually its all the wrong reasons but those reasons are there and sometimes you cannot convince them any differently..

If she is knowingly allowing the activity in her home there is a very good chance she will be held partially responsible. If she is old enough or "out of it" enough to not know what is going on that is a totally different story.

In the end its her home and her responsibility – but depending on the extenuating circumstances many different outcomes could apply.

For the most growing marijuana is not even looked at as a major crime anymore with so many medicinal excuses out there and the possibility of it becoming legal in the near future.

I would talk with her if you know her well enough and explain the possible outcomes and let her make the decision if she is capable… interfering in her life might bring her more stress than what you believe she is under from him growing it there – she might want him there enough to put up with that…

It is really hard to know without many many more details.

Hopefully that helps.


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