Netcops Story of the Week…


Netcops Story of the Week…3/8/03

This week’s story of the week is not a story.
It is an announcement.

Sometimes I have the bad habit of saying what’s on my mind, even if it offends certain people involved. My brother has expressed a bit of concern over my telling it like it is, and because I can see his point, I think it appropriate that he delivers our message of crime prevention by way of the stories and tips of the week. From here on out, Mark will remind you to lock your cars at night and to shut your garage door after you take the trash cans outside at night.

But speaking of trash, I’m going to ask Brent to add a new link called “Jim’s Trash Pit”.
It will be a forum where basically I can trash people who need trashing. Like for instance,
This week all the headlines center around 14-year old Lindsey Ryan abducted by a convicted murderer….56-year old Terry Drake.

Amber alerts are on all the freeway signs,
Text messages show up on cell phones, headlines plaster the newspapers, and now even the California Lotto is helping advertise Amber Alerts. My question is………
What the hell is a convicted murderer doing out in the community – with firearms and a police scanner? What Judge or Parole Board allowed this to happen?

OK, I’m calm….deep breath….. I won’t get all worked up. Not in this column anyways.
But if you want down to earth, tell it like it is, no holds barred, straight up talk….
Look for the upcoming link I will have to beg Brent to put up…..
”Jim’s Trash Pit”
Enter at your own risk. It may not be pretty – but it will be real.

Until then, Stay safe.


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