A reply for a recent comment on the site…


A few days ago we received a comment on the site – here it is in its entirety:

“Did a search on your site for gangstalking and didn’t get any results, yet on the Internet there are jillions of results for the search. Maybe you could investigate this and expose who is in on it, because they say the cops and firemen, etc are in on it. Why don’t the cops have to enforce the law? We call them for tons of violations and they say it will take them three days to come out and then they never do. People park in red fire zones all the time, leave their vehicle there for weeks and months and nothing is ever done. Junk cars and trucks on their front lawns and in the streets and they don’t run and have body damage and sit for as long as fifteen years without moving and no matter how many times it is reported nothing is done about it. Basketball hoops in the street and people playing basketball all day, obstructing traffic, endangering lives, all this is illegal and yet the cops and the city let them do it and tell everyone who complains to go you know where. In California you must have a front license plate but millions of vehicles don’t have them, probably one out of four doesn’t have one and the cops don’t do anything about that. The state could collect hundreds of millions of dollars for their budget if the cops would give tickets for these things. No wonder they have a budget problem. And so much crime, vandalism and fires being set, etc. Is there someone else we could call to do the job the cops won’t do?”

Here is our reply:

“Did a search on your site for gangstalking and didn’t get any results, yet on the Internet there are jillions of results for the search. Maybe you could investigate this and expose who is in on it, because they say the cops and firemen, etc are in on it.”

Being a cop for over 20 yrs I’ve never seen incidents that you describe as "gang stalking". There are jillions of results for almost anything you search for on the internet, that doesn’t mean it is a legitimate problem or issue. I don’t know where you live but I have not heard of gang stalking until you mentioned it in your post so obviously it is not an issue here where I live in CA.

To read more – Click below:

“Why don’t the cops have to enforce the law? We call them for tons of violations and they say it will take them three days to come out and then they never do.”

You must live on the moon. Either that or you call 20 times a day for meaningless things and they now ignore you for the minor things. If you called regarding a robbery in progress or your life was in danger you’d see a cop within minutes trying to help you. When people call the police for a legitimate problem they always respond. If it is an emergency, an officer is dispatched immediately. If it is not an emergency and the department is busy, it may take up to a few hours depending on the size of the department, how many officers are available, and the pending calls for service. Fights, shootings, domestic violence, robberies, and most in-progress calls are all priorities over calls such as noise complaints or other calls where peoples lives or safety are not at stake. It would be interesting to hear where you live.  

“People park in red fire zones all the time, leave their vehicle there for weeks and months and nothing is ever done. Junk cars and trucks on their front lawns and in the streets and they don’t run and have body damage and sit for as long as fifteen years without moving and no matter how many times it is reported nothing is done about it. Basketball hoops in the street and people playing basketball all day, obstructing traffic, endangering lives, all this is illegal and yet the cops and the city let them do it and tell everyone who complains to go you know where. “

Again, it would be interesting to hear where you live. Most cities have a code enforcement division to deal with abandoned vehicles or property that is an eyesore. Red zone parking violations and basketball hoops in the street are low priorities when there are calls involving violence or injury but most cops I know will ticket a red zone parker if it is a blatant violation AND if time permits (no calls pending, doesn’t have 3 hours worth of reports to write, etc.)

But with the economy getting bad and police departments having to cut cost, code enforcement divisions are being cut back too so abandoned vehicles and unsightly property calls may not get taken care of as fast as people like.    

“In California you must have a front license plate but millions of vehicles don’t have them, probably one out of four doesn’t have one and the cops don’t do anything about that. The state could collect hundreds of millions of dollars for their budget if the cops would give tickets for these things. No wonder they have a budget problem. “

Yes, some cops write tickets for no front plate and some do not. It is a low priority. If it is a small town with not a lot of crime, some cops may write those tickets because they have time to. Most larger departments are usually too busy responding from call to call involving violent crimes or in-progress calls than to worry about a missing front license plate. You say hundreds of millions of dollars into the state budget if cops write front license plate tickets? Sorry but that wouldn’t happen. It’s a fix-it ticket, not a monetary fine like a red light. And most cops I know would rather focus their efforts on enforcing violations that injure innocent people like red lights, stop signs, speeding, etc rather than just stopping someone because they don’t have a front license plate.    

“And so much crime, vandalism and fires being set, etc. Is there someone else we could call to do the job the cops won’t do?”

Try a ride along some time in a busy city. Most people don’t realize the things cops have to do, things cops have to see. Cops respond to calls that most people run away from. What other profession is there where you have to wear a bullet resistant vest and carry a gun. What other profession is there where you are sent to the report of a man with a gun, an armed robbery in progress, calls of shots fired, dead bodies, horrific vehicle accidents, deaths of children, destruction of life and property, seeing the aftermath of a family destroyed by violence, trying to calm a small child who just lost their mother or father, or both. Cops see things that most people will never see in their lifetime.

Cops put on the badge everyday to go help people, keep people safe, knowing that every call they go to, there is a risk they may not go home to their families again.

Try a ride along and see what cops go through, what they have to do everyday.  

Maybe you wouldn’t worry about front license plates or basketball hoops as much anymore……  

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