Ask a Cop? 17 and moving in?



So I am 18 and I live in alabama, my friend lives in another state currently but is wanting to move down here, they are 17 and you can legally leave the state at 17 there, if I was to go halfways to TN and pick her up when her moms friend brings her halfway what would happen there, she has texts from her mom saying it’s ok for her to move down here and everything I’m just worried I don’t wanna get into trouble with and law enforcement


Tough call my friend, 17 in my state is not an adult. If your or her and parents get bent out of shape that might be considered kidnapping. And I think we all know how parents can say one thing and then do something totally different, especially when it comes to daughters.

I would tread very carefully. Or wait till both of you are adults and get family permission etc. It might save you from a lot of issues. This is more of a civil issue than law enforcement right up till a missing persons alert goes out and your being dragged out of your car because it was reported she was taken.

In my state underage relationships are also problematic without all the parents being aware and with their full consent. So be careful.

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