Ask a Cop?: Can I fly a foreign flag? If so how….?


—–Original Message—–
From: Nancy
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 3:26 PM
Subject: law

Is it against the law to fly the Greek flag in the united states unless you’re flying the American flag as well?

Some Answers to your question – thou it is an extremely confusing and controversial subject:

More info than you’ll need:

Scroll down to position and manner of display. Looks like it can be displayed with the American flag at equal heights. I don’t know if flying another Countries flag alone in the United States is illegal but I’m sure it would stir up emotions and anger. Read up on all the flag etiquette in the above link and let us know if that helps.

Also a recent case:

Can a foreign flag fly above the US flag?

KRNV News 4

A situation arose in Reno, where a Mexican Flag was flown above the US flag on a single pole. This was a violation of the Flag Code and was apparently done to make a political statement.

Let’s start by looking at the Flag Code. You will find there is a contradiction. First it says that all foreign flags should fly at the same height as the US flag. But later, it says that no foreign flag should fly at the same height as the US flag.

7g. reads, "When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace."

7c. starts, "No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America…"

7c. later on reads (emphasis ours), "No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof…"

Notwithstanding the confusion here, it is always recommended to fly foreign flags from separate poles, and that the flags should be flown at the same height (or the US flag slightly higher) and be of same or similar size.


Hopefully that helps sort of clear up the question.

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  1. Just gettiing back from iraq I have seen a canadian flag flying at the viewpoint Rv resort in mesa. Az. It wase. Flying alone. When pointed out that it was not to so. I was told to eat****. What can be done to stop this and who do you report it to. It is no 5200 st


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