Ask a Cop? I’m a felon, can I carry a black powder pistol?



Hello..I have a DV (Domestic Violence) from 05..

It turned into a felony.. am I allowed to carry a black powdered pistol for my own protection. I understand anything before 1898.. is considered an antique. And not a firearm..

Thank you


Not knowing the specific I would guess the answer is no. This is more of a question for a good attorney that has studied the gun laws in your specific state. There are many legal issues with past felonies and when they might clear or what rights you might lose forever.

I am not a lawyer and would never want to be as that is just something I would not be great at. Also this would matter in many states if this gun was open carry or concealed. Or on your own property or in public.

Sorry I cannot be more help, but I would look locally for direction from a qualified lawyer that truly understands your local laws.

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