Ask a Cop? Less than lethal and concealed carry?



Hi there, I just had a question about the concealed carry permit. I was inquiring about getting a rubber bullet gun for self defense and I was wondering if I needed a permit to carry it


This will be different – state to state and county to county in many cases. I would check with your local law enforcement for specific laws related to this. That said please know that if you are in a situation where this gun is used legally, you will be treated as a threat till it is otherwise known and determined. Also the fact that people get pretty concerned over improperly carried weapons in general that might be badly concealed. If it looks like a gun its probably a real gun and most have no idea the differences between a standard firearm, a BB gun or a less than lethal gun. If you plan to carry anything that even remotely resembles a gun you simply need to make sure it is legal, you need to make sure you train with it and you need to make sure you are responsible with it.

I have seen some situations, mainly with kids where a BB gun looks just like a “real” gun and that could have ended very badly for all involved. Heck I went to a call where neighbors called in stating their neighborhood had people running up and down the street with rifles shooting at each other. We came to find out that Nerf Wars were real in that neighborhood. Glad to report that night ended peacefully. But it goes to show that if it looks like a gun it’s a gun to most.

Maybe the better plan is to get a full blown concealed carry if your state etc allows for it and to get the training needed to be proficient, you might find out that in many cases it is better to just be a great witness than to deal with the responsibilities of concealed carry as there are many and the repercussions are monumental and life changing if the wrong decisions are made.

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