Ask a Cop?: Myspace drug sales….


—–Original Message—–
From: Pat
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: Soliciting Drugs via MySpace

I have access to the MySpace page of one of my co-worker’s teenagers. He is 16 years old and they’ve had multiple problems with him over the last 4 years. He’s been expelled from numerous schools in town. They continue to be in denial that he’s more than "just being a boy". He’s been offering "thizzle" via MySpace. From what I understand, this is a street name for Ecstasy. Is there any way to pass this info along to law enforcement anonymously and get this kid off the streets since obviously his parents are not wanting to acknowledge a problem? I have copies of many of his posts and pictures he’s posted.

I have no problem with you publishing my question but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t print my name. Thanks in advance. Love the podcast. Keeps me entertained and informed!

Subject: Soliciting Drugs via MySpace

Great question! Some police departments have large narcotics units and even have a "hot-line" to report drug activity and anonymous tips. They weed out tips with no proof who often turn out to be an estranged spouse, angry ex-girlfriend, people involved in custody disputes etc. If someone complains that there is a lot of vehicle or foot traffic to a particular address at all hours of the night, and the complaint appears legitimate (the person doesn’t mind a call back from the police to discuss the activity or there are multiple complaints concerning the same address), narcotics units will usually set up a surveillance on the address to monitor the activity for themselves. If they find there appears to be drug activity at the location, they may set up a "undercover buy" where undercover officers or trusted "informants" purchase drugs from the location. When there is absolute proof that there is drug activity from the location, and the drugs test positive, the police will obtain a search warrant and raid the house.

Departments with a small narcotics unit or ones with no narcotics unit do not have the manpower for surveillance. In that case, the beat unit or cop who patrols that area will be given the information and they can monitor the area themselves. In my city there is a particular house being rented by druggies and it is a magnet for crime. We’ve had a huge increase in stolen vehicles taken and found in this area, pursuits of vehicles fleeing when officers try to stop vehicles leaving the residence, stolen property being taken to the residence, parolees coming to and leaving the residence, etc. I’d hate to be a neighbor on the street with all the criminal activity on the block. The beat officers regularly give extra attention to this residence and special enforcement teams also regularly watch the area. Everything is being documented, a lot of arrest are being made, and eventually the owner of the property will be notified it is a "nuisance property" and be given a deadline to correct the situation or face fines, penalties, and even have the property seized. 

In your situation you have a lot of evidence already. Proving if it’s true or not is the question. Call your police or Sheriffs department and ask to speak to the narcotics unit. Explain what you’ve told us and they will probably ask for the information to access the MySpace account. If the kid is putting it out there on the internet it’s open for all to see. They may try to set up a "buy" if the kid is actually selling.

If they department is small, they may do a background check on the kid (I’m sure he’s already in their system) and pass the info along to the beat officers. I’m sure if an officer stopped the kid on foot or in a car for some reason and got consent for a search they’d find drugs if he’s selling. As we’ve mentioned before, parents are usually in denial about their kids activity. Maybe that would wake the parents up.

For anyone wishing to report illegal drug activity, call your local police department and ask to speak to the narcotics unit. If they don’t have one, ask to speak to the on-duty supervisor. Some departments let you report suspicious activity on-line via their web-sites.

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