Ask a Cop?: Respect…..


—–Original Message—–
From: Hunter
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 5:39 PM
Subject: Respect

I am turning 21 this year. I have attended Texas Tech University for 2 years but have decided that I want to stop with my associates degree for the time being and join the Fort Worth Police Dept. My question to yall is: Do you get respect as a young police officer? From fellow cops? From the civilians? I personally could not care less about whether or not some gang banger likes getting a ticket from a guy his age, but I am however concerned with the people I work with. And if yall have any tips…they would be much appreciated. Thank you for all yall do and keep it up.

– Hunter

Thanks for the question:

The first thing I would suggest, stay in school get that degree!!! The Police Dept. is not going anywhere. Getting your degree AFTER you join will be 3 x harder and could be the difference of being on patrol for years on end, or being able to test for a rank position, Sgt etc. ( Not to mention pay raises down the road)

Second, in my years of seeing young officers join etc. and respect from fellow officers depended on how that young person conducted themselves.

If the officer was a "go getter", chasing crooks , foot pursuits etc.,( and not to the point of endangering him/herself or other officers) knowing their beat, people, history of problem families, taking care of business etc. would gain respect hands down. Also staying on top of current law, case law etc. helped.

On the other hand, a young cop with no life experience, being heavy handed to prove "himself", getting investigated all the time, heavy partying off duty, chasing "skirts" in and out of the PD would fall short of respect from other cops.

The job/career is a huge responsibility and so much so, the people(citizens-state etc.) have given you the power to take another human beings life . Decisions you make in nano seconds, will be felt for years to come, and for lifetimes in the case of deadly force, not to forget Law Enforcement officers all across the country.


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