Ask a Cop?: Shake & Bake Meth


—–Original Message—– 
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 4:44 PM
Subject: Meth

Hello This is C**** I live in BA and most every night on the news I see a story about Meth shake and bake meth or labs or what ever my question is what is shake and bake meth is it shake and bake for chicken or pork and if so then why do they still make shake and bake for chicken and pork? I am clueless for the most part when it comes to drugs except Pot and I do not nor have I smoked that for 15 years however I just want to be educated on this my 17 year old keeps asking me about it and I have no idea what to say to him except that I will put him in military school if he comes close to anyone that does drugs can you please help me on what to tell him thanks sincerely C****

Our Reply:

Shake and Bake meth is a term used for cooking methamphetamine quickly. Dope users are always finding new ways to make drugs easily. We are not going to go into detail here on what the method is because we don’t want to tell people how to do it even though it’s already all over the Internet. If you do a search on Google or YouTube you’ll find many explanations on what it is. Here’s a YouTube link showing a news article on it:

We hope that helps you out.


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