Ask a Cop? Working Radar at night…


—–Original Message—–
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:34 PM
Subject: Running Radar

Is it legal for the police to run radar on a 4 lane highway (2 lanes north & 2 lanes south) after dark without having any lights of any kind on? I have seen the local city police and sheriff doing this in northern West Virginia.

Our Reply:


You asked a simple question (thank you) and it can be answered in 3 words… "yes it’s legal".

Just as with motorist who don’t slow down at night – neither does traffic enforcement and it’s probably safe to say those officers sitting in the dark working radar have probably gotten a lot of intoxicated drivers off the highway just from working traffic enforcement. Those officers you see are more than likely using laser devices which are much more accurate than traditional radar units. The number of lanes on a highway running in either direction is not a factor. The lasers are extremely accurate and have a very long range. Our advice? Stay within 10 mph of the posted speed limit and that will usually keep you out of traffic court!

Stay safe – and thanks for your question

Jim Lambert

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