Default Judgment on my case? Now What?


Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:20 PM
Subject: small claims

”I got a default judgment on my case. I am trying to collect my money. How can I do this if he changed his number and I cant reach him?”

A few things you can do:

Check public records at the County building to see if they have updated info on him.

If it’s a substantial judgment and worth the expense, you can hire a private investigator to find him.

You can pretty much find information on anyone on the internet nowadays. There are many web-sites where you can simply type in his name and get info back, some sites are free while others charge a fee. Just Google people search and get a bunch of sites that might help. You can also try sites such as Facebook, MySpace, on-line white pages etc to locate him. With the internet technology nowadays, he should be relatively easy to find.    

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