“Don’t spend Labor Day with Us”


“Don’t spend Labor Day with Us”

When you are deciding what type of alcoholic beverages you want to drink this weekend, take a minute to decide what the outcome could be – Well…

If you drink

And then drive

Think about ending up in JAIL!

Some lucky winner could even get an exciting helicopter ride

Don’t get busted for a D.U.I. It’s a miserable, expensive experience. You’ll also lose your driver’s license and be forced to pay incredibly higher insurance rates. You could even spend the weekend behind a different kind of “bars”.

b. Don’t injure or kill someone because of careless stupidity. You’ll have to live with
that the rest of your life, and take it from me, that’s not something that you want to do. Ever!

c. Don’t injure or kill yourself. Regardless of how you feel about yourself, there are friends or family somewhere that care and love you enough for you to consider how your actions effect them!

Use these Alternatives:

a. Have some class, USE A DESIGNATED DRIVER.

b. Designated drivers, HAVE SOME CLASS, Don’t DRINK! You have an important responsibility. Don’t abuse it.

c. Take a cab home. A $20.00 cab ride WILL SAVE YOU against a $5,000.00 D.U.I. Arrest! Think I’m kidding?

d. Look cool for a night, take a limo

e. Call someone for a ride home…Family, Friend, Anyone, otherwise we’ll be calling them to come bail you out of jail!

f. Don’t drink on an empty stomach.

g. Don’t drink while taking medications.

h. Don’t drink if you are tired or fatigued.

i. Don’t try to avoid a D.U.I. checkpoint at the last minute. We have “Chase Cars” that look for that. Be honest and straightforward.

j. You are required by State Law to submit to a chemical test if arrested. A “REFUSAL” will only make it worse on you and you lose your license for an automatic year. (Calif Law)

If you read the chapter we wrote in CopTalk regarding D.U.I.’s, then maybe you’ve already made your own “Action / Reaction Checklist” for the weekend. If not, keep in mind my favorite saying…

“Every Action has a Reaction”

a. Drink, Drive, have a great time, get home safe.

b. Drink, Drive, Get arrested for D.U.I., Have your car towed, Have your License Suspended, Suffer embarrassment, Get booked at Jail, Pay Fines, Go to D.U.I. school, Pay high Insurance, Get 3 years probation.

c. Drink, Drive, Get in a Wreck and Injure or Kill someone.

d. Drink, Drive, Get in a Wreck and Injure or Kill yourself.

The above is a Terrible Gamble.

The only Winner is the first one. Have a blast, but get home safe.

Drink, but don’t Drive.
Drive, but don’t Drink

It’s a pretty simple equation folks. Holidays are for fun and great memories.
Be responsible.
Be safe.
And make sure the Helicopter you ride in isn’t landing at the Local Trauma Center.

A popular Law Enforcement Bumper Sticker says it all:

“If you drink and drive, we’ll provide the Chaser…”

Happy Labor Day Folks, The Staff at NetCops P.S.I.

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