Episode #23 – CopTalk Podcast


Budget cuts are forcing police around the country to stop responding to fraud, burglary and theft calls as officers focus limited resources on violent crime.

BERLIN – Ever thought twice about posting a party picture on Facebook, fearing it could someday hurt your chance at a dream job? A draft German law is supposed to solve the problem by making it illegal for prospective employers to spy on applicants’ private postings.

OAKLAND — Robberies and assaults rose 8.5 percent in a one-month period from July 13 to Aug. 13, a time when 80 police officers left the streets because of layoffs, according to statistics released Wednesday by the Oakland Police Officers Association.

Tip of the week:
Citizens Arrests

Story of the Week: Curfew


Please send in your questions: https://www.coptalk.info/ask-a-cop-ask-us-a-question/

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