Gun Control:


I’m not going to get into the political aspects of gun control. I’m going to tell you how I feel.

Should a family be allowed to have a firearm in the home for protection? Yes.

Should that family have proper training before being allowed to possess a firearm? Yes.

Should that family take EVERY step possible to avoid accidents in the home? YES!


Read the text on illegal weapons. Sometimes I scratch my head over the laws we enforce. They just don’t make any sense. You can have a police type baton or club in your car, and you are guilty of a FELONY charge. You drive around with a loaded firearm under the seat of your car, and you’re guilty of a slap on the wrist MISDEMEANOR charge. What’s the logic here? Let me remind you that the caliber of person we stop with guns under the seat, are those who have usually been bed and breakfast residents of the local county jail or state prison.

You tell me if this disgust you. While I was assigned to my departments felony arrest team, several of us went to a reputable gun dealer in the bay area, because our department had just authorized us to carry semi-automatic pistols. Although we had to buy our own, they were a great improvement over the antique revolvers we had been issued in the academy.

We were in the store and I saw 4 of our local gang bangers also in the store. Buying guns! They looked at us and just smiled. 2 of these subjects were suspects in numerous gang murders that happened in our district, but investigators were still putting the pieces together. How could these low lives be buying guns you ask? No valid driver’s licenses or identification, no legitimate address, no employer, no proof of validity to life at all.

But the 3 girls that they had met at a party last week had agreed to buy the guns for the guys, in exchange for money or dope. 3 girls who had not yet been introduced into the criminal justice system. 3 girls who had I.D and addresses, (with mommy and daddy) that could be verified. But mommy and daddy would never know because technically these girls were of legal age.

This goes on everyday. Everywhere! It is too easy to buy guns. The laws are too lenient in regards to possessing and transporting guns. PERIOD.

If you do not think this is a problem that’s cool. You’ll get no lectures from me.

But when you see on the news about the drive-by shooting that happened in your area tonight, where a young child was innocently gunned down. Or if you can envision your wife or girlfriend being the victim of the real life tragedy that occurred near my home around Christmas time, then think again. (Re-read our intro regarding that freeway off-ramp murder!)

Every action has a reaction. Change the action, then you’ll change the reaction.

Our Lawmakers have to be made aware that these laws MUST BE greatly increased in Severity.

Get involved and voice your opinion. It’s your society. Unless of course you think it’s ok for murderers to be buying guns fraudulently in public. I’m hoping that you’ll agree with us, THAT IT’S NOT OK!


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  1. i just dont understand how some people are so stupid to do drugs and then shoot people for stupid publicity!! they are taking enocent lives for themselves! that is what they are, a bunch of selfish pigs!!!!!

  2. Its not ok and thats why it’s ILLEGAL!
    If we put these pigs in prison and not let them out we could stop a lot of this. I carry a gun with me all the time just because the system has let me down by putting these pigs back on the streets to do it all over again.


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