In Loving Memory…


In Loving Memory…

On December 23rd, 2003, at 7:29pm, 3 “Angels of the Skies” were taken from us when their rescue helicopter crashed in bad weather while responding to a call.

The experienced crew of three lost their lives in the crash.

Pilot Arthur Gotisar
Flight Nurse Diane Coddington
Flight Nurse Kelly Bates

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family, loved ones, friends, and co-workers of these Heroes.

This loss will be felt far outside the realm of the “Reach” family.
(Redwood Empire Air Care Helicopter) of California.

Your brothers and sisters who fly the skies daily in police, fire, medical, rescue, and military aviation share the painful loss as if they were our own flesh and blood…

The common bond in this unique family is the inherited risk of the job. But we all freely choose to do this job, mission after mission, despite the risk – because the rewards are so fulfilling.

Every now and then, we are reminded just how real that risk is, like we were Tuesday night, two nights before Christmas.

To the Wife and Husband’s left behind.
To the son’s and daughter’s,
The Mother’s and Father’s
The Nieces and Nephews,
The Aunts and Uncles,
The friends,
The co-workers,

We know your pain.
We know your loss.
We know your sorrow.

But please know this…

Arthur, Diane, and Kelly, gave their lives while doing something they truly loved to do.

They responded to hundreds of calls where even the most experienced Firefighter or Cop looks up in amazement saying
“Oh my God, How do they do that?

Middle of the night at the scene of a tragedy
Dark skies, High winds, Wires close by,
That Red Helicopter touches down and you almost can feel it inside you,
That everything will be OK.

The nurses work their magic,
They load the patient up,
And as quickly as they arrived – They leave for the hospital with the patient onboard… And what was sure to be a tragedy – Isn’t a tragedy any longer.

I think all of us in the helicopter business feel the same way.
When the call is over, and its time to fly back to the station,
That’s the time we are reminded why we do this.

You lift off the ground, and the city lights beneath you are almost hypnotic. Flying over the traffic congestion, the crowds, the noise, you take a deep breath and look out the window.

You see the moon and the stars right next to you.
A few clouds in the sky,
Maybe the sun rising in the east,
You get a calm feeling because you know
You’re flying the skies right up there next to God himself.
You think about the call you just went to, and you know that you made the difference between someone living or dying.

It’s an incredible gift.
Flying in rescue work,
Probably nothing is more rewarding…

Arthur, Diane, and Kelly were doing what they loved to do.
They were professionals.
They were skilled.
And to many in a list way too long to name,
They were “Angels”.

To all of us in the business, they are Hero’s.
They made the ultimate sacrifice,
But they did that,
Doing what they loved most.

Please try and always remember this, because I have a feeling they would tell you themselves…

“They wouldn’t have had it any other way”

God Bless you Arthur, Diane, and Kelly.
Thank you for all the good you gave to so many.
Before, when I would look up at you guys,
I always whispered to myself that you were the Angels of the Skies.
Now when I look up – I’ll still be calling you
“The Angels of the Skies.”

If you have ever had the need to be transported in an air ambulance,
Or know someone who has,
Or just realize just how gifted these professionals truly are…..

I am sure your kind words would be greatly appreciated at the Reach office.
Redwood Empire Air Care Helicopters is located in Santa Rosa California. Or visit and post your feelings there.

To the rest of America – and to our troops over seas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Safe and Happy New Year!

NetCops PSI

Jim – Mark – Brent

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