Medical Emergency: Tips


Medical Emergencies:

· Enroll in a FIRST AID and CPR course provided by the Red Cross, American Heart Association, or sometimes even provided by your local Fire Department. You can even find these courses offered by Community educational classes.

· These classes are VITAL for both parents and children. I’ve been to hundreds of calls, where each age group has been saved by the other. Make it a family thing and involve the entire family.

· BUY a first aid kit for your Home and one for Each Vehicle.

If you ever need it, you’ll have it. That by far exceeds “Not having one when you need it.”

· If you live in an area prone to disasters like floods, hurricanes, tornados, or earthquakes, BUY not only an elaborate FIRST AID kit, but a DISASTER KIT as well. Disaster kits are now available for vehicles, school lockers, and for the office.

There is nothing more terrifying than being involved in an emergency situation, calling for help, and not having anybody show up. Anyone that has ever been caught in the middle of a disaster KNOWS that emergency public safety resources are quickly depleted and you are left “on your own.”

· Make sure that ALL family members know how to either use the 911 system, or what emergency number to call to summon police, fire, or medical experience. Kids also need to be made aware of the importance in NOT playing with the phone and making bogus 911 calls.

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