Not this week……


Not this week……

I was going to talk quite a bit about the new “Amber Alert” system which has proven successful in locating abducted children… Yeah, the system works great, and the person who thought of it should get a pat on the back. But why aren’t we getting to the heart of the problem?

All we are doing is putting a band-aid on the problem. How does a parent let a child get abducted in the first place? Keyword PARENT! And many of these righteous criminal losers responsible for these abductions are repeat offenders.

I heard one of these recent “claim to fame losers” was out of jail on several million dollars bail for committing ……..basically, you don’t want to know what he previously committed. Because if you knew, you would ask WHO WAS THE IDIOT JUDGE WHO LET THAT GUY ON THE STREET!

I would love to see the Amber Alert system modified to flash the Judge’s name whenever one of these threats to society is released on this funny thing called bail……

No, I’m not gonna cap on Parents who lose their children.
I’m not gonna cap on the parole system or probation programs.
I’m not gonna cap on Judges.

Not this week…….

This week something else deserves honorable mention.

The past few months I have found myself becoming extremely impatient with my car stereo while listening to the radio. That stinks – change the channel, People pay money for that? – Change the channel – Geeeez that’s horrible – change the channel – Man, where does all that hostility and anger come from? – change the channel…..

That’s about the time I start having an intelligent conversation with my dog.

I think back to when I was younger, when words to a song actually meant something. You remembered certain songs when you had special moments in life, and those songs always bring back those memories. But now all you hear is


Not music, but annoying NOISE
Nothing with any HEART
Very few songs these days strike any interest in me because they have NOTHING.

No originality.
No emotion.
And worse yet – the people singing them have

But wait; there is hope, because every now and then someone comes up with an idea that affects many of us. I have to take my hat off to FOX broadcasting. When I was almost coming to a point of finding nothing stimulating to watch on television except for WWF, I stumbled across this show named “Search for an American Idol”.

My first thought was this looks dumb, but as many of you did, I watched in amazement as thousands went through auditions in front of 3 judges who are now household names. (You have to hand it to Simon for being honest! I would love to see him as a Judge in a courtroom!)

How some of these people even thought they could sing was beyond me but…..,
Out of all those over several weeks, there became a group of finalist who went to Hollywood.

Guys, Girls, some better than others……. I actually started looking forward each week to hearing them sing again and again. These kids were good. Each week the voting public would decide who would get eliminated and 10 became 8, 8 became 6 and so on all the way down to ……… Kelly and Justin. (How the heck did Tamyra get voted off???)

Ya know what I look for in people? Heart. Sincerity. Being genuine and Being real. The judges described Kelly Clarkson as “singing her heart out” every week.
Judge Paula Abdul described Kelly as “Having a voice that makes grown men cry and makes young boys wish they were grown men…..” Wow!

Paula, you were right.

So we’ve all seen the outcome. Kelly is the new American Idol. Idol might be a strong word to use but what I saw in many of the faces of the finalist, and what I heard in their voices is ….. Talent.

When this girl Kelly sings you know it’s coming straight from the heart. No attitude, no struttin, no over confidence, and no bull.

They showed background clips of the finalist, and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen such humbleness in young people. All of them. Their love for their families, their friends, and even towards each other when they were competing against each other. Very impressive. And no attitude! Hmmmmm, why does it work for them?

I watch the NFL and see home-boy do his little dance in the end zone, “yeah that’s right, I’m bad, and you better know it”……… I don’t know why, but the dude who makes the great catch and humbly goes back to the team without the big show has got….. class.

Kelly – you won the super bowl of new talent last night, and you have nothing but…..class. We saw that in your style, we saw that in the pride your parents have for you, we saw that in your humbleness in winning, and girl, we felt that in every word you sang.

How did I get on this tangent?

I was just getting ready to vent on how the Amber Alert system may be helping the problem but isn’t fixing the problem, when all of a sudden…. A local radio station played this new single, sung by a girl named…. Kelly Clarkson. I jumped up and cranked up the volume on the stereo, and the girl still gave me chills just from her voice. Yup, there’s a new kid on the block and I think it’s safe to say you’re going to enjoy listening to her for a long time. And what’s cool about it? We all got to see the start of this brand new career!

As the Judges said,
There is Celine Dion,
Mariah Carey,
Whitney Houston,
And now there is Kelly Clarkson.

Congrats Kelly.
You got to where you did by doing one simple thing and that was “singing your heart out” I hope that many people, young and old alike, learn from your style. Whatever it is you do in life, do it with passion from the heart and you’ll always be happy. You’re a class act, and I know I will be looking forward to listening to your CD’s for many years to come. (And Tamyra, if it had been you against Kelly, it would have been a tie!)

In case you are reading this and missed the main focus,

Stay safe,

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