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We did it! We Graduated! But now what?….

We did it! We Graduated! But now what? First of all please allow us to extend our congratulations to the thousands and thousands of high school seniors that graduated from high schools across the nation. That achievement is one that you will hopefully look back on as a positive milestone in your life forever, and it is something...

Story of the week…..

NetCops P.S.I. STORY OF THE WEEK WORRIED ABOUT SCHOOL VIOLENCE? A couple weeks back we saw the horror of what happened in Denver at columbine high school. The shock traveled world wide, let alone within our own community. But yet a week later the very same thing happens in Canada. Another student with a gun, another high school, and more kids...


MAKE IT VISIBLE………. When I get dispatched to a call, especially a “hot” or “in progress” call”, I feel slightly relieved when I pull onto the street and see house numbers all lit up or visible on almost every house. It is one less thing for me to worry about. If I get dispatched to a call like a...

In the News

Cop brothers hope book will help community By Kim Santos, STAFF WRITER THEIR momma didn't raise no fools. The Lambert brothers -- Jim, 46, and Mark, 44 -- are two tough-talking, tell-it-like-it-is cops who are tired of responding to the same crimes over and over. They want to help average Joes safeguard themselves against becoming helpless victims. So they penned "CopTalk,"...