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ROAD RAGE… We’ve all done it. Someone cuts you off, takes your parking spot, or tailgates you. Sometimes it’s a simple four-letter word out of your mouth, or maybe even a nasty hand gesture. Maybe just a dirty stare. But it’s all part of road rage, a growing trend of violence on the roadway. I found an article in an...

Story of the week….

Story of the week 3/22/99 The story of the week this week is you. What's the story? Do we keep doing this week after week, or do we put it back to once a month. We will always be here to provide valuable information in the interest of providing you with personal safety information, but the frequency depends on you. The...

“Get busy Living, or get busy Dying….”

I'm a harsh critic of movies. I have so little free time these days that I am overly selective of the movies I watch. I really don't like my time being wasted on anything less than quality films. One way I know that I was really into a movie is when I remember one liners that stay with me...

Tip of the week…..

This week's story of the week covers an incident involving numerous aspects of personal safety of your home and your property. The 3 real victims in this case learned the hard way when their homes were burglarized in broad daylight. We hope that you don't have to do the same. Read, Learn, and Change! This is what caught the kid's...