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Home Security

Home Security "It's 2pm, do you know where your house is?" Last week I responded to a call for a residential burglary where a number of factors involved, support the very reason why we wrote Coptalk in the first place. In fact if the victims in this case had read CopTalk beforehand, they would have saved themselves from a lot of...

“Wow, did you see that?”…..

"Wow, did you see that?" I asked that of the high school police explorer who was riding with me for a few hours last week in the evening hours on swing shift, after I saw a brilliant bright light in the sky to my left, out the driver's window. It was like a falling star, only it had an intensity...

Story of the week…..

The facts: A junior varsity and varsity basketball team in the east bay area is discovered to have players who are not meeting adequate grade levels as specified in a pre-arranged agreement between players, parents, and school officials. A team where some players were missing classes, turning in poor quality homework, and turning it in late if at all. A...

They used to be for business meetings and presentations…

They used to be for business meetings and presentations. Then they became a new irritating fad. Now, they have become a dangerous toy in the hands of irresponsible teens and kids. What am I talking about? Lasers. The little penlight laser. The laser that projects a red laser beam up to 2500 feet. They used...