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Ask a Cop? Local law enforcement is not helping…

QUESTION: Why don't sheriffs in my area help children that are being molested by their brothers and what is a sheriff's protocol when a child is making suicidal claims about themselves ANSWER: As for why this might be an issue at that specific location it is hard to know as there are not enough details. That said they should be helping if...

Ask a Cop? Moving out of your house…

QUESTION: Hey can I move out with my grandma when I'm 22 ANSWER: In most states you can leave on your own when you are 18. Just make sure you are ready to make a move like that. Financially and mentally. Do not make rash decisions - If there are very good reasons then do what needs to be done to remain safe...

Ask a Cop? Concerns with alcoholic brother in law…

QUESTION: My brother-in-law has been incarcerated twice for drunk driving and naturally lost driving privileges. In 4 days his driving privileges will be reinstated but even after 2 rehab visits,  2 hospital stays for falls resulting from drinking, and job loss he continues to drink.  Our family is frightened by him resuming driving.  What if anything can we do? ANSWER: Since he is...

Ask a Cop? Realistic Police Costumes

QUESTION: How would i legally wear a police uniform without being subject to LEO impersonation, i was thinking getting a vest and putting a "not police" placard on it, the costume would be for Halloween & Airsoft cosplay. ANSWER: I would say if it is on a holiday like Halloween or in a control area like an Airsoft field you can pretty...