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Ask a Cop?: Vape laws? Am I grandfathered in?

Question: If you turned 18 before the new 21+ tobacco law was placed, do you get grandfathered in? Answer: Uh, no...If laws worked this way we would have a huge issue. That would be a nightmare to keep track of. With new laws you gotta wait till 21. Should give you more time to consider not smoking or vaping, it's causing a...

Ask a Cop?: Employee smoking pot during business hours

Question: Hello, I am an office manager at a manufacturer that has a fellow employee who smokes pot several times a day during business hours. This employee has a small room in the basement where they do their smoking. The smell comes up through the floor vents and can be really strong in the offices. Customers and vendors who come...

Ask a Cop?: Does this count as an assault?

Question: I deliver pizzas. Sometimes people will prank us with silly string or other harmless things. Which is usually all fun and games. But I have hearing aids. If someone were to throw water on me or any liquid that would damage them, which they had cost $7,000, would I be able to count that as assault or make them...

Ask a Cop?: Go Karts on public and private streets

Question: I was wondering is a cop legally allowed to tell us that we are not allowed to drive our go kart on our road.We live in the country kind of and like never any cars on our road and one day a neighbor called the cops because we were driving through the gravel entry on and exit on the...