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Ask a Cop? 4″ Switchblade in public?

Question: I am 18, is it legal for me to own a 4+ inch switchblade and carry it in public? Answer: This totally depends on where you are located as federal, state and local laws can dictate this. In California this is just a quick summary: Open carry: Knives can be carried openly, but not concealed, such as folding knives in the folded position. Fixed-blade...

Ask a Cop? I forgot my glasses?

Question: Hello, I have a vision restriction, I am not very blind (I sometimes forget I’m not wearing glasses)! I have had my glasses for perhaps 4 years and I am wondering if it’s illegal for me to drive with them (I see fine). It seems that every two years you should check your eyes. Thank you Answer: When you renew your license you will...

Ask a Cop? can the cops kick me out of my house?

Question: Can a cop kick me out of my parents house if my mom wants to kick me out but but dad isn't here but he doesn't want me out and my dad owns half of the house as well as my mom owning half the house Answer: Without all the details it is hard to say yes or no. In 99%...

CopTalk: Attitude Adjustment

Attitude Adjustment: Most people have heard of the “Attitude Adjustment”.  In case you haven’t, the proper definition would be something along the lines, of a person with a bad attitude and having it adjusted by a cop.  Sometimes in Cop Equipment Catalogs, you see a comical tee shirt displaying a big burly cop figure towering over a skinny scrawny tattooed “bad...