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Ask a Cop? Can I carry when fishing?

Question: If I am 19 am i allowed to carry a pistol while im fishing Answer: Depends on the state, I would look into your local gun laws. Also many states regulate if it can be open carry or concealed carry. Also with our current president you will be waiting till your are 21 or older. Some states might allow a rifle for...

Ask a Cop? Recorded threats, what can I do?

Question: If someone admitted to giving someone a black eye and then immediately threatened to give them another one on a recording, can I as the witness with the recording do something? Answer: Domestic Violence threats are a serious concern. All threats are a concern. Sadly threats can easily lead to actions. If you fear for your safety, call the police. If...

Ask a Cop? Ongoing abuse?

Question: Can someone go to jail if there hurting someone that's already hurt but can't prove because there just re-hurting a old injury . Answer: This is called abuse and people can absolutely get arrested for it. Photos help law enforcement prove it is recurring. If you might be in a situation like this it is best to get away from the...

Ask a Cop? Random cars in my driveway?

Question: I am a single mother so this makes me nervous, but the gist is for the past month, a little over a month, I have had random cars more than 5 different models/makes of cars that will pull into my drive way, they put their flashers on, not all of them but a few of these cars have and...