Story of the week…..


NetCops P.S.I.


A couple weeks back we saw the horror of what happened in Denver at columbine high school. The shock traveled world wide, let alone within our own community. But yet a week later the very same thing happens in Canada. Another student with a gun, another high school, and more kids dead.

Another tragedy and it’s One that could easily happen here.
Who is responsible?
What can you do as a parent?
What can you do as a student?

This goes beyond a deranged and twisted brain. This goes beyond parents who are responsible people or not, who failed to notice the anger and violence within their offspring.

We are all responsible By way of the criminal justice system. There is no fear to not commit such a hanious crime! A young person see’s vicious killing in movies and videos and wants to emulate the actors. They see their peers commit crimes and the media never once identifies them as criminal suspects or killers. Instead the suspects are given flashy titles that provides them with a status of power by featuring them on the news as “The gunmen”, the “trench coat mafia members” or simply “the boys”.

They weren’t boys, they weren’t kids, and they were not social outcasts. They were cold-blooded killers. Some lenient judge would sentence these killers to the maximum penalty of incarceration in a youth authority facility until age 25, if they even got that.

Society, we need to deliver a message of zero tolerance. There’s too much emphasis on probation, parole, and rehabilitation. You shock the world with such a cold-blooded hateful violent act, and you will pay the price.
Right now there is no fear of consequence from such severe criminal acts.

Use a gun at school or on the street that leads to injury murder or death?
See you in about 25 years. Was this kid in Canada thinking about consequence when he killed fellow students a week after the Denver school shooting? Or was he thinking of all the publicity that the “gunmen” in Denver received?

Want to see a perfect example of what I’m talking about? Light a match, hold it with one hand, and place your other hand on top of the flame. C’mon, what’s wrong? What do you mean you won’t do it because it will burn you and cause pain…

Ok, light the match, hold it with one hand, and place your other hand about 6 inches to either side of the flame. You’ll do that because there’s no pain or burning involved. Other people will see you do that and their response will be “hey I can do that, no pain involved.”

We have to set the penalty for such violent acts, to cause that same pain and burning so that the message will be loud and clear nationwide, “we will not tolerate hate, violence, and killing in our schools or anywhere else!

It’s simple logic, when will you all recognize that and do something about it! If you sat in on court proceedings for violent acts in this county committed by adults or juveniles, you would get sick to your stomach at the injustice of sentencing. Unless of course you were the bad guy being sentenced. You’d be the one smiling in the courtroom because you knew that your hand would never be sentenced to be held directly over the burning flame, only off to the side where it won’t hurt at all!

You better get tough America or the casket you watch lower into the ground could very easily contain one of your own.

In the wake of what transpired in Denver, several of our own high school students felt compelled to phone in 2 bomb threats at school last week. This caused terror, fright, and stress to fellow students, teachers, and hundreds of parents not to mention tapping out the police sources in the area for hours. Ignorance is no excuse. Stupidity is no excuse. If a kid (even a stupid one) knew that he or she could get sent away for 3 to 5 years to the day for such an act would they still do it? If you want to be a stupid idiot that cares nothing of your fellow students, we can make sure you have a fun place to work out the frustrations in your life for the next 3 to 5 years. Behind bars!

Stop giving these kids nothing more than time out! Stop giving adult offenders time out. If we don’t toughen up, you’ll keep reading the same shocking stories in the paper or see it on the evening news. You can watch Ted Kopple sensationalizing the whole incident never once calling “the gunmen” what they really are…cold-blooded killers and murderers!
The bad thing is that one day the reality of such incidents could very well involve you or your loved ones.

Students, you know more of what goes on in your school than any cop on the street does. If you get word of anyone having anything to do with guns, bombs, knives, or anything that can cause harm to another, you can approach any teacher, counselor, or police officer and provide anonymous information that will be investigated. No one wants to be a snitch but on the otherhand would you want to be one of the students hiding under those desks in Denver? No one should have to be put in that terrorizing position ever! Life comes down to 2 things that you’ll find out later in life. Doing the right thing or doing the wrong thing.
The girlfriend of one of the suspects who bought the weapons for them was just as responsible as the 2 who pulled the trigger. (Only my opinion)

Do the right thing and let someone know if you hear of such
Dangerous talks or plans amongst fellow students. You won’t be
Labeled as a snitch and anonymous info means just that, anonymous!

Parents, you are the ones closest to your kids or at least you’re supposed to be. No one wants to see their son or daughter get into serious trouble but criminal activity that gets identified now can prevent your children from much more serious problems later on. Work with the police not against them.

I investigated a high school bombing incident at the agency I worked at before, and I was shocked to hear the father instructing his son that “he didn’t have to answer my questions” “don’t tell the cops anything” and “our lawyer will make this go away”. Dear old dad figured he would show the cops who was who and refused us when we asked to search the house. “You’re making a big thing out of nothing” he told us. We showed him what a big deal was when we called the state fire marshals office in and got a search warrant.

Gunpowder, fuses, and PVC piping were found all over the tool bench in the garage. 9-completed pipe bombs were found concealed under the house. 9-bombs that could have easily killed anyone in the house.
With dad’s attitude we wonder why the kid has the smart-ass attitude that he had about the whole thing? Can you tell me Mom and dad didn’t know what junior was doing?

Parents, we care about your kids the same as you do. The majority of us are parents just like you. Please keep in touch with what your kids are up to so that we don’t have to surprise you one day. If your kid blows it, don’t make us the bad guys. We are there to work with you. Support the cops who are trying to help. Support the school officials in their effort to maintain and enforce a zero tolerance policy against violence. If you find suspicious items, weapons, drugs, or what have you in your child’s room, backpack, or wherever, call us. We’re not just there to effect an arrest. We’re there to help make sure that your kid grows up in a safe world.

We can’t do it alone. You can’t do it alone. The schools can’t do it alone. We need to toughen up even if it hurts, but we need to do it together!

Who can stop the violence?
That’s easy to answer!
The person reading this on their screen right now!

What are you going to do about it?

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