Story of the week……


Story of the week…….

Hot off the 5pm news, a Stockton California school official publicly apologized on television for not “doing the right thing” in handling a discipline problem at his middle school. Seems a 14 or 15-year old Hispanic male juvenile was involved in a physical fight at the school.

During the course of investigating the incident, turns out junior has a fraudulently obtained green card. In the course of investigating that issue, it turns out the kid’s father also has false identification. Both were turned over to immigration and it was said to be determined that both would be returned to Mexico. Separated from their family. Up rooted from their life here. So sad, too bad, makes me mad………….

I’ll tell you what makes me mad, is how upside down our country is. The news cameras showed a large group of Hispanics protesting the treatment of this Hispanic family. The general comments made by the several brain surgeons interviewed, was that the “punishment should fit the crime” and “deportation was way too severe in this case.” Hey, it was only a fight.

Let’s not address the issue that fighting is not tolerated in our schools, in fact I do believe the trend is towards “zero tolerance.”

Let’s not address the fact that in the course of investigating the kid screwing up and getting into a fight at school, it was determined he had false documentation records to be here. Probably a more serious crime than the fighting as far as the penal code goes.

Let’s not address the fact that dear old Dad, the kid’s supposed to be role model, was also in possession of fraudulent documents and was here illegally. Boy, makes you wonder where junior got the idea, or did junior give Dad the idea, hard one to call nowadays.

Let’s not address the criminal issues, let’s just stand up on our little soap boxes and yell out what we love to yell the best….”Racism!”
How dare the immigration authorities deport these poor hard working criminals,,,,oops I mean people.

Let’s look at reality. There are thousands of illegal aliens in California. Thousands. They cannot make a go of it in Mexico and they come here to find work that pays a decent wage. Many leave their families behind and you can see them every night lined up at the payphones with their international calling cards, calling the ones they love to let them know how soon it will be that they can send for them.

I have never met a more sincere, polite, and hardworking group of people, than in the Hispanic community. My heart really goes out to them for the struggle they have overcome because of the poor economics in their country.

On the other hand, I have never met a more violent and dangerous group of gang members, than what I’ve seen in the Hispanic gangs. The young Hispanic gangs. The young Hispanics who have become “Americanized”. The disrespect and hatred these youngsters show the police, or anyone else for that matter, would shock you.

Only one thing shocks me.
In Mexico, these gangsters are scared to death of the Mexican police. The Federalees.

In California, these young people look at the police as a joke. The system is a joke. The courts are a joke. It’s all a joke. They fear nothing except having to go back to their own country where life is far from being like Disneyland everyday.

Drivers License? Who needs it?
Insurance? Who needs it?
Registration? Who needs it? Why give the cops a way to find you.
If you crash into someone’s car you run like hell and hope you don’t get caught. The car’s owner shows to be the guy who owned it 4 owners ago. If the cops tow it so what. Just go to the Polly Klass foundation or a tow yard and buy another beater for $200 and hope the cops don’t stop you for a tail light out.

I had a close friend who told me she had been vacationing in Cabo San Lucas, and some of the people in her group had consumed a few too many Margaritas. One of the guys in the group saw a group of Mexican Police Officers approaching and he decided to stand in the middle of the street, hold up a hand, and yell out “Vamanos Policia”

Granted this guy didn’t commit the crime of the century, but the Officers didn’t take kindly to this open show of disrespect. The way the story was told, several wooden batons made contact with numerous areas of the kid’s body, and he was brutally dragged off to jail where a steep fine had to be paid right there on the spot in exchange for the his release.

If that happened in California the Officers would lose their jobs or be imprisoned. Hey, speaking of which, how is Rodney King doing? Oh, sorry, that was different. That was the case involving a black parolee at large who led police on a 100mph pursuit and refused to listen to their commands. Oops, the news crews didn’t want to be that descript. Sorry! That was the case involving “the black motorist” beaten for no reason by white renegade cops.

Most my friends I know who vacation in Mexico have a genuine fear, skepticism, and respect for the Mexican police. If an American kid was involved in a fight at school in Mexico I have no doubt he would be immediately detained at a juvenile facility. If it turned out the American kid had false papers to be in their country, he would be dealt with strictly, harshly, and swiftly. If it turned out that dear old Dad had false papers to be in Mexico guess what would happen to dear old dad? I’d rather not guess but it wouldn’t be pretty.

As long as we’re talking what ifs, what if Rodney King had crossed the border and done his little stint down there with the Mexican police. I’d bet you 3 million dollars he would have never gotten 3 million dollars for being a criminal. I’d bet he would be doing about 30 years time in a Mexican prison somewhere instead.

But that’s where we’re at in this country. If 14-year old Johnny vandalizes property with spray paint we slap his hand and say “Johnny, don’t do that again, that’s not nice”.
14-year old Johnny spits at your feet and tells you to kiss his ass as he walks away.

But in another part of the world, an American teenager is publicly “Caned” and humiliated for his graffiti work on a wall.

The difference?
Johnny looks at our system as a joke and will have another can of stolen spray paint before he gets home.

The American kid who was publicly Caned in (was it Manilla?) will NEVER think twice about vandalizing again in that country.

The drunk college kid who gets arrested for public intoxication at a California bar will be drunk again next weekend.

I actually arrested one moron for public intoxication and tried to give him a break by taking him to Detox instead of Jail. Minutes after I dropped him off he “escaped” from the detox center and I arrested him a half-hour later for driving his truck home while drunk (as in .18 blood alcohol level drunk). The idiot had the gall to file a citizen’s complaint against me because of the arrest and because his truck got towed for his driving on a suspended license. Yes, I guess it sucks when you break the law and get busted but I would like to see this person they call “the brain” try that in Mexico.

In contrast, the drunk kid in Cabo San Lucas will never think twice about disrespecting the Mexican Police ever again. Never! And why?
Because there was a consequence to his actions.

Now getting back to this latest news story, where and how do we get to the point where racism played a part in the kid getting into a fight and being found with false identification documents?

If we want to blame someone, blame the kid who violated school policy by fighting. Blame the kid for getting his father involved and having it be determined that Dad had bogus paperwork as well. Blame the principal. Blame the School police. Blame immigration. Do what we do best in America.
Blame, Blame, Blame, everyone but the person who should be Blamed! And then add the word Racism just to make it all sound better.

I was embarrassed to hear the school principal publicly apologize to the protestors.
“We handled this incident wrong and for that we apologize. The child should have been turned over to Juvenile Hall and not Immigration.

How about a little harsh truth?
We regret to inform you that a 14-year old student at our school was detained for physically fighting. While investigating the incident it was determined that both the student and his father, were in possession of false identification and fraudulent paperwork at which time the investigation was referred to the immigration authorities.
We wish to take this opportunity to remind students and parents alike, that physical fighting and related activity will not tolerated by this school, and such acts will be investigated fully which could result in immediate suspension or expulsion from this campus.

Hey, if it means that much to you to be in a California school,
Don’t fight.
Don’t drink,
Don’t do drugs,
Don’t Gang Bang it,
and don’t break the law with Fraudulent documents.
Be smart, be legal, and be safe. How much simpler does it get?

When it comes time to vote in 10 or so days put some thought into filling out that ballot. Decide whether you are going to vote for someone who caves in to public pressure and says only what they think you want to hear,
Vote for the person who says what needs to be said, does what needs to be done, and takes care of business for the good of the cause. For the good of the people.

Oh wait, I’m confused. Isn’t this the country that impeached a President who supposedly lied to the nation on national television, and then we allowed him to stay in office? Naw, I must have been dreaming. We would have never let that take place.

I’m thinking I need to run for the presidency. What happened to morals and ethics? What happened to straight talk and doing what’s right? What happened to decency and honesty?
In all this hussle and bussle to be “politically correct” we have gone way over the line of common sense and there is no relief in sight. Maybe it’s time to vote for someone who is somewhat “politically incorrect”.

Maybe it’s time to vote for someone who will tell the 14-year old Stockton kid,
“Roberto, it’s unfortunate that this happened but when you and your father return to our country with the correct legal paperwork, we want to give both of you another chance. But you need to understand if your actions are repeated, the penalties will be even more severe because fighting will not be tolerated in the schools of this country.”

And if ya can’t live with that? Well, you know what my answer to that one is.

Stay safe,
Jim Lambert

Note: To those of you who want to jump up on another soapbox and call me a Racist, save it! I can say with all honesty that I treat everyone equally and fairly in both my professional and personal life. I subscribe to the view “live and let live” and I make my judgements of people not by color, but by quality. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a shortage of “quality” in the human race.

Now that you’ve gotten your 15 seconds of fame on the evening news ranting and raving about things you know nothing about, stop promoting racism by barking it out every chance you get.

The soapbox people will shout racism and ignore the facts.
Quality people will say, yes, that’s unfortunate, but if you’re going to be here you must be here legally and if you’re going to attend our schools you will be there to learn, not to fight.

Life is about choice. Do you go about life trying to do the right things, or the wrong things? Are you a soapbox person or a quality person? I know what track my life is on, what about yours?

And a final word to the street lawyer who said on the news, “it was just a fight…”

Maybe you ought to park your rear end in a patrol car some night, and when a 14-year old kid is stabbed or shot by another 14-year old kid over “just a fight”, how bout we let you make the death notification to the parents?

Oh, you don’t think you could do it?
What a surprise…

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