Story of the week…..


NetCops PSI
Story of the Week – 5/22/03

Memorial Day weekend is coming up.
Just for a change of pace, why don’t you see what you can do about not becoming a “memory” on Memorial Day.

Go to the store,
Pick up some Ribs, Steaks, Chicken, whatever….
And have a nice little BBQ with the Family.

Invite some friends over,
Go to the park,
Have a Block Party with the neighbors.

Whatever you do –
Why don’t you try staying close to home?

But for many, that is going to be too much to ask for.
Many people will go out and drink themselves into oblivion and then get behind the wheel of their car.

They will kill themselves….. or someone you know.
An innocent person who got in the way of a drunk.

Young adults will use this weekend as an extra opportunity to party and drink…..
Then they will get drunk and stupid flashing their stupid little attitudes upon all those around them.

They are easy to spot…. The loud mouth belligerent idiots screaming profanities right next to you and your family’s BBQ.

Attitudes will lead to fights.
Fights will lead to the use of fist, knives, and guns….

Domestic violence calls will soar – it happens every summer when the weather gets nice. Start drinking beers, get a little bold, and by George, you’re gonna teach that little woman of yours who the real boss is in the family…..Smack her right upside the head!

Yes, you may think I am a little sour here but,
Read the headlines next Tuesday if you think I am wrong.

Mark will be busy with drunks on the highway trying to keep you and yours from getting plastered all over the road by a drunk.
I will be busy patrolling the river trying to keep drunk boaters from driving 60 MPH sleds into innocent families of boaters – pulling drunk drowning victims out of the river who got wasted and thought they could jump from a railroad bridge into the dark water below – right onto a submerged tree stump they couldn’t see.


If you’re going to party – how about doing it close to home.
There is enough violence going on in the world.
How about shedding that for a day – and having a Memorial Day weekend,

With only good memories….

Follow these 10 commandments and you’ll have no problem….

Don’t drink and drive
Don’t drink and fight
Don’t beat on the person you said you once loved up on some church alter.
Don’t talk to anyone else other than in the way you want to be talked to
Don’t lay your hands on anyone else unless you want the Cops hands all over you.

If you see trouble coming – go the other way. It’s not worth it.
If someone cuts you off on the freeway, give a wave and forget about it
If you see a juvenile drinking party in your neighborhood don’t be afraid to call the cops.

Don’t drink and drive
How bout just for once – don’t drink at all and see what happens….

To all the normal law abiding citizens we serve who “do it right…..”
We wish you a safe and happy Memorial Day. And while we are at it, let’s not forget the meaning of the Holiday.


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