Tips: Neighborhood Watch Groups


Neighborhood Watch Groups

One of the most beneficial tools to law enforcement and crime solving.

· If you do not have a neighborhood watch group in place, contact your local police or sheriff’s department for information on how to form one. Most law enforcement agencies have some form of community policing in place.

· Most law enforcement agencies offer street signs or window signs advertising that a particular area is a neighborhood watch area. See what your local law enforcement agency has to offer. It’s a proven fact that neighborhoods with active neighborhood watch groups suffer less crime than other neighborhoods.

· If you see a suspicious person or vehicle in your area, call the police. Copy down the license plate of a suspicious vehicle. It may be nothing, but then again, it may solve a crime.

· Be aware, be alert. Know what the “normal” is for your neighborhood.

· A neighborhood BBQ, party, or neighborhood watch meeting may be all that is needed to get a caring, watchful neighborhood working together to prevent or solve a crime.

· With a shortage on cops, and a surplus of criminals, an active neighborhood watch program may be just the solution to reduce crime in your neighborhood.

· It’s a proven fact that criminals have a information network amongst themselves. If word gets out that your neighborhood is difficult to get away with crime, that cops are called on the first sign of suspicion, then crooks will go to easier pickings.

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