Tips to Avoid: Robberies



A few tips to avoid robberies:

· When you pull up to the drive thru, restaurant or bank, look for suspicious people loitering about. If you see something that makes you nervous, follow your hunches and leave.

· Leave yourself room in front of yourself in a drive thru. If the car in front of you blocks you in, you do not have much of a choice. If you leave yourself a bit of room, you have a possible route of escape if needed or possible.

· If you enter a business, store, restaurant, etc., look through the doors before you enter. You do not want to walk in on a robbery in progress; you can be hurt or robbed yourself.

· If you are confronted, even with just the threat of a weapon without seeing one, think of the consequences of your actions. If a dirtbag holds a knife up at 30′ away, chances are you could drive off safely without injury. If the dirtbag points a gun at you, you are in danger for blocks if you drive off. I would personally rather lose a few dollars or a jacket rather than risk serious injury or death. The choice is yours in this one. There are TOO MANY variables to consider what is right or wrong to do in a case of a robbery. But we can tell you that the odds of injury or death increase with resistance.

· If a victim, the best thing you can do is also become a great witness. Try to notice the height, weight, hair color, length, and most important, clothing and vehicle description if appropriate. Most robbery suspects can be caught shortly after a robbery if a DETAILED description of clothing and vehicle are available.

· If at an ATM machine, avoid using it if a suspicious person is nearby. Avoid counting out your money after the machine spits it out chances are you are not the only one counting it.

· Remember that resistance usually meets with injury or violence. Use good common sense, and NOTICE YOUR SURROUNDINGS when in a public place. Suspects are lurking everywhere waiting for their next victim. From a car thief, to a pickpocket, to an armed robber, to a kidnapper, Keep alert, and you will go home without becoming a victim.

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