To all our faithful listeners:


Sometimes life gets in the way of things. When we first started our podcasts, we all seemed to be able to get together weekly to do the show. It was difficult at times to get everyone together at the same time but we usually worked around scheduling conflicts and were able to pull off taping the shows. Occasionally we missed a week but we’ve always been excited to get right back into it the following week. This time around we’ve missed two weeks and may miss a few more.

Jim and I occasionally mention our parents in podcasts and unfortunately our dad has suffered serious health issues recently. It has taken it’s toll on Jim and I, rushing our dad to the emergency room twice, hospital visits while he was admitted, taking him to numerous doctor appointments and trying to care for our elderly mom. We’ve now taken on a full time job caring for them as well as our full time jobs as police officers. Doesn’t leave a lot of time for podcasts although we’d love to do one just to be able to laugh for a few minutes.

On top of that, Brent is on the verge of a nervous breakdown with issues going on at his work. Like I said, sometimes life gets in the way. Please bear with us during this difficult time and we’ll be back as soon as things settle down. For now, Brent will put links to all our previous podcasts on the web-site and maybe you can find one that you missed or just listen to some of them again.

Thanks for being loyal listeners and we’ll be back soon,

Mark & Jim

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